This is the story of a peasant’s daughter who rose to wealth and status, who buried three of her children and lived through four changes of her country’s religion, who survived the plague and gave birth to one of the world’s best known playwrights and poets. This is the story of Mary Arden, William Shakespeare’s mother.
Mary Arden was born into a time of change and turmoil, a
time of radical transformation in both history and society. It was a time of
war and violence, of class conflict and the tumult of the reformation
overturning a thousand years of religious history and English Christianity in
just twenty years.
What could it have been like to live through those times for
any one, let alone a woman?
Mary Arden was one of eight daughters born to an old farming
family in the heart of Warwickshire but Mary married out of life on the land
for the challenges of the new world of the Tudor middle class.
Her children would become haberdashers and glovers, two even
made names for themselves in the entertainment industry in London! and so Mary
Arden’s own story can be likened to a mirror reflecting the changing times of
the Tudor era.
Tudor England was a small country with only two and a half
million people, ninety percent of whom worked on the land. Life expectancy was
just 38! and a third of all children died before their tenth birthday. Mary’s
father farmed in Wilmcote, just outside Stratford on Avon in the parish of
Aston Cantlow.
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The Farm |
The Forest of Arden is still a name on the map and it was
this place that gave Mary’s family her name. Although Mary’s father Robert was
just a husbandman - a well to do peasant - her family could be traced back to
before the Norman Conquest. Robert was born around 1480 effectively making him
a man from the old world, whose daughters and descendants would welcome the new.
Robert built his house in Wilmcote in 1515 and amazingly, under the skin of
modernity, it is still surprisingly intact. Originally it was a traditional
farming house, open to the ceiling, but the need for space, necessitated it
being divided into an up and down stairs.
Robert and Mary’s mother, whose name is lost to history,
were married in 1517 or 18 and the children started to appear very soon. Mary
was the youngest of eight children: Agnes, Joan, Katherine, Margaret, Joyce,
Elizabeth, Alice and then Mary, in about 1535 (some sources say as late as
1537) and was baptised in Aston Cantlow. Although religiously it was a country in flux,
England was still a Catholic country then and Mary could have been named after the
Virgin Mary. The West Midlands is and was a deeply conservative area and religious
change came slower there than to many places but after 1540 all this changed. In
Aston Cantlow, the local guild was stripped of its silver plate and land. When
the monasteries were dissolved all treasures and artefacts were confiscated to
raise revenue for the king and realm. The change was also secular as the dissolution
flooded the country with land and money, allowing the rise of a new middle
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Mary Arden's House |
By a huge stroke of fortune a list of contents of Mary’s
family house in Wilmcote survived, giving us a picture of her life at home.
Animals, crops, 8 oxen, 2 bullocks, 7 cows, feather beds and mattresses,
cushions, eleven painted cloths for the walls, miscellaneous chattels, total valuation £77 11 10
Mary grew up, as all girls did, multi skilling and was taught
to do essential tasks around the house hold, looking after children, cattle,
swine, hens and sheep, then baking, brewing, making cheese, malting and all
aspect of housekeeping. Women and girls
were also required to do harder labour, like helping with shearing, ploughing,
gathering and threshing corn.
At meals, Mary and her sisters would sit on benches/forms as
chairs were a sign of status. Robert, however, had three - one for him, one for
his wife and one for an honoured guest. Her aesthetic sense would have been
stimulated by the murals in the church, depicting religious scenes and almost
three-d representations of ‘what would happen if you were bad’. These were whitewashed
over when she was in her twenties, but revealed, still bright, in 1804. A
favourite mural was also a pageant often enacted by the guilds at Stratford and
that was St George and the Dragon and most people saw this at least once in
their lifetime. In 1517 Robert joined the guild.
In 1547 King Henry VIII died and was followed by his pious
but cold hearted son, Edward VI, who was surrounded by Protestant
fundamentalists who would change the world forever. It was the beginning of the
'commotion time'. When Mary was in her teens, Mass was abolished and all the
old rites and festivities were abolished. The Ardens remained quietly loyal to the old
faith. When Mary was about 12, Mary’s mother died and Robert remarried a
younger widow, Agnes Hill, who brought he own brood of four children to live at
Wilmcote. Joyce and Alice and Mary were still living at home . Living space was cramped
and tensions ran high, so Robert drew up 'leases' to ensure his own daughters to
ensure if he died they would still inherit.
In 1553, when Mary was about 18, Edward suddenly died and Mary Tudor came to the throne; she was a Catholic who was determined to turn the clock back!
In 1556 Mary’s father fell ill with what may be a fatal flu.
He assembles his will. He invokes Virgin Mary and leaves his wordly good, surprisingly provides Mary with
land and money - £6 13 4 ( a bit more than a skilled carpenter would earn in a
year – roughly equating to £30,000 today.) Even more surprisingly as she is the youngest,
she is named as one of his executors, together with Alice, showing
respect and trust and by implication, an acknowledgement that Mary is intelligent and honest.
Amongst other items showing his generous and thoughtful nature, he leaves 4d to everyone in Aston Cantlow who didn’t have a team of oxen
Amongst other items showing his generous and thoughtful nature, he leaves 4d to everyone in Aston Cantlow who didn’t have a team of oxen
As legal executrix she almost certainly had basic reading
skills, but could she write? On later legal documents she makes her signature with a beautiful calligraphy
M. Her wax seal has her personal emblem ,
a horse (some say a running horse.) The evidence suggests that she may have
known how to write. She would have been
an attractive marriage proposition. There may have been a match already in mind
with the son of one of her father’s tenants, John Shakespeare. John had moved from Snitterfield to Stratford in the early 50s. He had done a 7 year apprenticeship with a master glover Tom
Dixon. He was a young man with prospects and would be an ideal catch. In Oct
1556 he buys 2 freehold properties in town.
Within weeks of his purchase he married Mary Arden in 1557. He was in his late 20s, she was about 22. Stratford then was a small market town with maybe 1200 people and a growing middle class serviced by tailors, and hatters and glovers. 'Home' at that point was just beginning to be a venue for social display and ambition... (i.e. beginning the keep up with the Joneses) and he needed house to fit status.
Within weeks of his purchase he married Mary Arden in 1557. He was in his late 20s, she was about 22. Stratford then was a small market town with maybe 1200 people and a growing middle class serviced by tailors, and hatters and glovers. 'Home' at that point was just beginning to be a venue for social display and ambition... (i.e. beginning the keep up with the Joneses) and he needed house to fit status.
They presumably wanted to start a family, but sadly Mary’s first two children died - little Joan
aged just 2 months and Margaret aged 1.
It may have been a comfort, who can tell how she would feel after the death of her babies? but at least her husband was doing well. His freehold in Henley Street entitled him join the corporation. Corporations had replaced the guilds in 1547 and they ran the town. His civic duties ranged from constable to ale taster and charity hand out to the poor. He was a man of credit. Someone they could trust.
In 1558 Mary Tudor died and Elizabeth came to throne, but she was Church of England and so the fourth change of religion in 20 years began. Soon there were risings against her religious policies and the government responded by removing all trappings of Catholicism. In 1563 Stratford council had to do the government bidding and in winter 2/- was paid for defacing images in the chapel so no memory of them remained and the chamberlain, John Shakespeare had to sign off the job.
In April 1564 William was born. On 28th May, Mary was
purified at church, but when he was 3 months old the plague came to Stratford.
Soon the town was living in fear. At the end of August the corporation held
their meeting in the open air, but by then the situation was desperate. With baby William it was best to get out if
she could and Mary rode out to her sister in Wilmcote, 5 miles away where there
were no deaths. Luckily William and his parents survived.
After William, other babies born and remained healthy; Joan, Anne, Gilbert and Richard and Mary spent time teaching them their ABC and reading prior to them going to school and telling them stories. Years later William would remember tales of their legendry ancestor, Guy of Warwick. There is also a strong possibility that William would have seen the mystery plays that were still held.
After William, other babies born and remained healthy; Joan, Anne, Gilbert and Richard and Mary spent time teaching them their ABC and reading prior to them going to school and telling them stories. Years later William would remember tales of their legendry ancestor, Guy of Warwick. There is also a strong possibility that William would have seen the mystery plays that were still held.
John continued his rise in the council and in 1568 he was
elected as mayor, making Mary was the wife of Alderman and High Bailiff, Mr. John
Now they set out to use John’s position to make real money,
investing in wool. It was the mainstay of the economy and was government controlled
to prevent illegal dealers undercutting the market – and that is just what John
was doing.
John’s web of contacts spread from the Cotswolds to
Nottingham and down to Wiltshire. Mary would have dealt with business contacts
in an informal capacity. It worked because of trust. But trust was a big issue
in Elizabethan England and Elizabeth’s network of spies recorded John’s
activities in the Exchequer Memoranda Roll 1572. A government informer, James Langrake,
informed on John. This was not the first time that
Langrake informed on John. The first time he informed about his
illegal money lending and then in 1571 he reported him for a wool scam to the value
of £210. When you bear in mind that a
waged labourer earned maybe £10 per annum and a house could be bought for £30,
it shows just what an enormous sum of money is involved. This time John was
able to pay off the informaer and got off with it.
Meanwhile as an alderman John was able to send his son to the Grammar school, the gateway of to university. In late 1570s the government suddenly turned on the illegal wool dealers with the whole force of the law and John’s whole informal network collapsed. Suddenly he had a network of debt everywhere with no network of income!
As the financial difficulties piled up, in 1570 their 7 yr old Anne died. The corporation book has an insight into the tragedy: 'for the bell and pall for Mr Shakespeare’s daughter for her funeral, 8d (pence)'.
Desperate to save money William was taken out of school to help
John, losing him the opportunity of University.
Soon they were trying to raise money any way they could. They borrowed
from friends and neighbours, inlaws and relatives. Then they start selling off
land, including Mary’s 30 or 40 acre and cottage inheritance. John even divided
the house up and leased half of it to neighbours who open a pub! Using the
house called Asbie’s as security Mary raises £40 from her brother in law, but could
not pay it back regrettably she had to forfeit the property.
Four months after Anne’s death she got pregnant again and although by then in her mid forties, gave
birth to Edmund. A couple of years later the teenage William got a 26 year old
girl, Anne Hathaway, pregnant first with a daughter and then twins. The family was then
squeezed into a third of their old house with William’s new wife and four new
children to feed.
Worse was to follow 1583 the government discovered a plot to assassinate
Elizabeth, the instigator being Edward Arden, a relative of Mary. Edward was head
of the most important Catholic family in Warwickshire and after his arrest was
put into the chamber called ‘The little Ease’ where you could neither stand up
nor lie down and then all the men were tortured on the rack and condemned to
Around Stratford the secret police interrogated suspected
Catholics and as Mary was an Arden and married to an ex mayor her household was
almost certainly one of them. In 1586, having been protected by his fellow
councillors for 10 years, John was struck off for non attendance. Mary’s family
was now ruined
But there is a twist to the plot. William went to London to
try to make it in the theatre. How he did it, we do not know, but in autumn,
1592 a famous metropolitan critic Robert Green poured scorn on the country boy taking the
stage by storm. There is no such thing as bad publicity and suddenly William had
made it and his box office earnings restored the family fortunes. In 1596 he
bought a coat of arms for his father to make him a gentlemen, with (of course)
a few rewrites of history, saying of Mary that she had been the daughter and
heiress of Robert Arden Esq. and gentleman.
The family could hold their heads high again. William bought
the big house near the chapel and John and Mary lived out their days in Henley
street with their daughter Joan and her children. Mary had lived from Henry
VIIIs reign, through Edward’s, Mary’s, Lady Jane Gray’s, Elizabeth’s and on
into James’. She had known grief and disappointment but had held her family
together during the commotion time. John died in 1601
and Mary followed him in 1608, in her early 70s and was buried in the churchyard in Stratford.
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John's death recorded in the Parish record |
and Mary followed him in 1608, in her early 70s and was buried in the churchyard in Stratford.
Shortly after her death William finally published poems he had
worked on for most of his life. The poems are imbued with a sense of the
destructive power of time and the redeeming power of love. It is tempting to
think that it was his mother who taught him how to feel the emotions contained within.
This biography of Mary Arden was written from copious notes taken whilst watching a fascinating documentary about Mary Arden, presented by Michael Wood.
Photographs from:
© Diana Milne August 2017