
About Our blog

About our Blog: we aim to feature reviews of books submitted to us by a range of authors with a diversity of genres and publishing systems. We aim to support authors of all types, whether they are independently published, self-published or mainstream. But we will not be entirely focussing on book reviews; we are also looking at creative ways to feature authors, film reviews, guest authors and other interestingly creative people. We have a great team of reviewers and a crop of contributors and admins who will keep you all supplied with fascinating and original articles with an eclectic feel to it. This blog will never be boring!


  1. It seems to be a well-considered, well written review site. Your member reviewers, many of whom I've followed, are very thoughtful and expansive in their reviews, and I'd like to have a chance to submit all my titles to your group. How do I do so?

    1. Please email me

  2. Hi! I would like to submit a book or two for review as well. If you could let me know the details, I'd be very grateful!

    1. Hi Janet please email me at

  3. I would like to have my soon-to-be-published book, Primitive Passions, reviewed. It is due out on March 23 from Bygone Era Books. How do I submit it? Thanks!

  4. I have been enjoying the reviews, I am a wildlife artist and have recently written a book. My personal story,"Go West,Young Woman!" has been nominated for the Pacific Northwest Book Award. If any of your reviewers are interested, I would be pleased to offer a submission or participate in an interview. Thank you!

    1. Hi Nancy,
      Although this will probably come up as Paula writing it, I am Diana of *Diana talks...*
      I would love to interview you!
      Generally I conduct interviews via email and questions and answers. If you are happy with this will you email me at (mark it for my attention) and in a few weeks I will send you the interview. I am arranging talks now to go live during February next year, so I will mark you down provisionally for a slot then.

      I look forward to this.


  5. Hi Diana,
    I just sent you a reply at the email address in your post.
    I am looking forward to working with you, Much obliged,

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi, I've recently written and published my first book. I would love it if one of your team would review it. You can find out more about me and my work at I look forward to hearing from you. Julia.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Good day one and all!
    I've been trying to contact you about a review for my new novel.
    Is your backlog cleared and can you take on more novels?
    p.d.r. lindsay

  10. Hello! what is the best way to contact you with a review request?
