
The Review Admins

Hello, my name is Rob Bayliss.  I’m married to my lovely wife Clare, and we live in the gorgeous county of Somerset with our two wonderful kids and our adopted Patterdale Terrier.

I’ve always had a love of history (and Anglo Saxon history in particular) and through the wonder of social media I found mutual aficionados of the subject. Always ravenous of books of historical fiction, I found myself guided by Facebook friends to The Review. Here, as the name suggests, books are reviewed, discussed and word of them spread far and wide amongst a supportive network of readers and writers. Through the Review I have been made aware of and subsequently read a wide variety of books outside my usual comfort zone of historical fiction and fantasy. 
Speaking of which, inspired by writers I met in this virtual reading room, and at a loose end one day, I started writing myself. I find writing now one of the most enjoyable hobbies possible and when people enjoy what you have written, well, there are few feelings that compare to it. Last year I self published The Sun Sharda fantasy set in an alternative renaissance world and I am currently working on the sequelm The Dark Gods. Just for fun I’ve also started a blog where I can reminisce, shoot the wind or perhaps indulge in a short story or two. 

I was asked whether I would like to join the review team, which I readily agreed to do and I have thoroughly enjoyed being on the team. I relatively recently began helping out in an Admin role and have loved interacting with fellow lovers of the written word around the world. It really is amazing how small this wide world can become using modern social media, and all because we enjoy books. The Review is going from strength to strength and has now moved from predominantly historical fiction into covering most literature genres. Keep reading, the future’s getting exciting! 

My fantasy Author Page can be found here  and my blog here

Hello. My name is Sharon Bennett Connolly, I have been fascinated by history for over 30 years now. I have studied history academically and just for fun – I’ve even worked as a tour guide at historical sites.
I’m now having great fun, passing on my love of the past to my 10-year-old son. We like nothing better, during the school holidays, than hunting dragons through Medieval castles or exploring the hidden alcoves of Tudor Manor Houses. He is fantastic at identifying bread ovens, spotting fireplaces and the defensive features of most castles.
I have always said I would really like to write about history, but there was always something else that needed doing.
But then, for Christmas 2014, my husband gave me my very own blog – History ... the Interesting Bits - and I haven’t looked back. As I love researching and writing those stories that have made history so exciting to me the blog has given me the chance to share what I love – the stories themselves, and the places they happened – in the hope that you do too.
And in 2016 things have got even more exciting. I am so happy to say that I have just completed my first non-fiction book, Heroines of the Medieval World, which will be published by Amberley later in the year.
 I have been a reviewer at the Review Blog for almost two years and it has been an amazing experience. It's a great way to discover new authors and I have been able to review some fabulous books, such as Derek Birks' Scars From the Past and Paula Lofting's The Wolf Banner.
You can find my blog here and my Facebook page here, or follow me on Twitter at @Thehistorybits.
My book,  Heroines of the Medieval World, will be published by Amberley later this year. Looking into the lives of some of the most fascinating women from medieval history, the book is now available for pre-order from both Amberley Publishing and Amazon.

I am Richard Abbott, I live in London, England and work very happily in IT. I write science fiction about our solar system in the fairly near future, historical fiction set in the ancient Middle East, and am exploring historical fantasy. I have lots of ideas for new material to explore in writing and just need a bit more time…
When not writing words or computer code, I enjoy spending time with family, walking, and wildlife, ideally combining all three pursuits in the English Lake District. I am the author of In a Milk and Honeyed Land, Scenes From a Life, The Flame Before Us, Far from the Spaceports, and Timing. I can be found at my website or blog, on Google+, Goodreads, Facebook and Twitter.
When it comes to reviewing, I prefer optimistic rather than pessimistic writing, and appreciate good characters and good prose. As for genres, I’ll read science and speculative fiction with or without a fantasy edge, plus historical fiction in most eras. I'm not much into apocalyptic stuff, don't like horror, and can't be bothered with "science versus religion" plots. Not keen on lots of blood and guts or violence. I like a decent level of credible scientific or historical background, but it's believable characters that really grab me.

And, last but not least, Diana Milne.
“I was born at a very early age and travelled through the years at the usual pace, clutching straws and catching falling stars, until suddenly I came to a place where the whole world lay spread before me in glorious technicolour.

Mine to grasp.”

I live in Leicestershire, England together with a huge Golden Orfe, several Shubunkins, some fan tailed comets and a large collection of frogs, all of whom fortunately live in my pond rather than the house.

Around ten years ago I discovered letterpress and (completely by accident) started what became a business by the name of “d.arcadian” selling vintage woodtype letterpress worldwide. I absolutely love every second of my “job”.

Reading is the joy of my life. With a book I have a friend. Through these friends I find real-time friends with similar interests ...

And we all live happily ever after.


  1. So pleased to find you all again after my computer crash. Are you overloaded with books to review or might you find space sometime this year to read my just released historical novel?

    1. Hi,

      We are glad you found us too!!

      We can certainly consider it :-) Can you give me some more details please?


  2. Hello Diana, sorry to be slow. Been in hospital and then not allowed to move for two months. Only just coming right.

    'Bittersweet' is my new novel. It is 70,000 words of historical fiction set in England and India in 1872. It's released in ebook and print form. Audio forms of all my novels on their way too.
    In 1872, Bryce Ackerman is asked by distraught families to travel to India to find and bring to justice a group of young army officers from two different regiments. These officers, on leave in England, had been taking part in a monstrous competition, the prize, dinner for the whole officers' mess, paid for by the losers. The aim of the competition? To deflower as many young ladies, preferably still in the school room, as they can. One young lady raped and made pregnant is Bryce's fiancée and she has now refused to marry Bryce.

    The victims go through hell. They can't tell anyone, not even their mothers and they suffer such shame. Their families suffer too, so Bryce sets off for India, determined on revenge and justice.

    Trying to run the rapists to ground, he learns their treachery is deadly and their evil courage more monstrous than he expected.
    Life in the British Raj heightens all his senses, good and bad, as he chases down the arrogant officers and tries to bring Justice to places where Justice had been absent. The problems seem overwhelming and Bryce himself has some healing to do. Can he find the mental strength to succeed?

    It would be nice to have some reviews to post on Amazon.
    Thank you
    p.d.r. lindsay

  3. Hello again,

    I also am sorry to be slow responding. I hope that you are now recovered from your dreadful ordeal.

    I would like very much to have the opportunity to review your book for the Review. Please can you send me an e-pub, mobi or PDF to

    I am rather busy at the moment, but I will endeavour to read and review it by Easter for you.


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