
Sunday, 23 February 2014

Marsha's Favorite Books

My three favorite authors have written books that have impacted my life greatly. I found these three authors at about the same time that I moved to England. This move to England was a dream come true for me. I had always been interested in history, especially anything to do with castles and knights, but moving to a place so rich in history made me seek out books on the subject. I did read many non-fiction history books but this search led me to three historical fiction writers who wrote such brilliantly crafted stories, which in turn propelled my love of medieval history to even greater heights. Not only did these authors and their novels make me thirst for more knowledge of the medieval time period, but they also led me to visit places mentioned in these books.

The first author that I found was Sharon Kay Penman. Ms. Penman wrote a series of books on the Plantagenets or the Angevins starting with the aptly titled When Christ and his Saints Slept, which covers the anarchy of King Stephen's reign to the crowning of Henry Plantagenet. The second book in the series is Time and Chance recounts the tumultuous marriage of Henry and Eleanor of Aquitaine. This book covers Henry's early reign and his conflict with his Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket. This conflict led to Becket's murder in Canterbury Cathedral. Book three, Devil's Brood, covers the last years of Henry's reign and the family conflicts that affected that time. Book four is titled Lionheart, a novel highlighting Henry and Eleanor's son, Richard. Sharon Kay Penman will continue the Angevin saga with her March release of A King's Ransom, which continues Richard's story.

Penman is a master storyteller who is meticulous in her research and has a writing style that flows effortlessly. Through her writing I was determined to visit Canterbury Cathedral where Becket was murdered. I wanted to immerse myself in the history of the spot and imagine what happened when the four knights of King Henry confronted Becket. The beauty of the cathedral is awe inspiring and the spot of Thomas' martyrdom evokes sadness, bringing Penman's books to life. Here are a few photos of my visit to the cathedral.

 The next author I found was Elizabeth Chadwick. Chadwick writes a series of books about the Marshal family starting with a Place Beyond Courage which details John Marshal and the turbulent times of King Stephen's reign. The Greatest Knight and The Scarlet Lion cover the remarkable life of William Marshal, John's son. I have to say after reading about William's life he is a hero of mine now. Elizabeth Chadwick's writing is also meticulous in research and this meticulous accounting of the facts inter woven with a fabulous story enriches her novels. After reading these superb novels I had to visit one of William's castles. I traveled to Wales and visited Pembroke Castle. I loved to imagine myself walking in William's footsteps. It was a fantastic journey into Wales and William's world.

 The last author I found on my search for quality historical fiction is Helen Hollick. Hollick wrote a novel based on Harold Godwinson/ King Harold II called I am the Chosen King. This novel covers the life of Harold up to his death on the field of Hastings. This poignant and well researched telling of Harold's life prompted me to make the trek to Battle where the English forces met William the Conqueror and the Norman invaders on October 14th, 1066. Walking the battlefield and seeing the remains of the abbey that was built on orders of King William was so emotional for me. One cannot quite grasp the carnage that happened more than 900 years ago on this peaceful field we see today.

These three brilliant authors and their superbly written books made me fall more in love with medieval history, made me research the lives they wrote about, and made me want to travel to the places mentioned in the books, making history come alive for me. I am so appreciative to Sharon Kay Penman, Elizabeth Chadwick, and Helen Hollick for sharing their talent and enriching my life with their books. Without excellent books such as these my life would be the poorer for it.


  1. A wonderful blog post highlighting three of my favourte historical novelist as well. Thank you for sharing how your love of history led to your discovery of these authors and your interesting travels.

    1. I totally agree Sinead. Marsha has really evoked in me the love I have for medieval history and I am feeling all warm all over right now! Her post is as good as a hug!

    2. Thank you, Sinead for your kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the post.

    3. Thank you, Paula! Very pleased you liked the post.

  2. Wonderful! I really enjoyed your book choices.

  3. Marsha this is a lovely, well written post and a wonderful approach to telling us about your love for these three authors' books. Thank you, my life feels a little more enriched for reading it and I too have read all these books you mentioned.

    1. Thank you so much for your compliments. Made my day!

  4. Thank you Marsha for mentioning me: Both Elizabeth and Sharon have been mainstays for me as a writer (and a reader!) It was Sharon who gave me the confidence to complete my first novel (The Kingmaking) and Elizabeth who supported me when I decided to go Indie here in the UK.
    My third author would be Rosemary Sutcliff.
    Just as an addendum - I am the Chosen King is the title of the US edition, in the UK its Harold the King.
    Thanks again Marsha!

    1. You are very welcome, Helen. You, Sharon, and Elizabeth are master storytellers that have enriched my life greatly. Thank you for writing such wonderful books.

    2. And thank you for propelling my interest in King Harold. A fascinating man.

    3. Helen I definitely agree with you on Rosemary Sutcliff, a great inspiration for me as you are also. Your book Harold the King gave me a new lease of life.

  5. Thank you Marsha, what a lovely post. I am honoured! As a writer Sharon has always been an inspiration to me and now a friend. I shall always carry an ache in my heart for Llewellyn ap Iorwerth. And Helen is a wonderful writer and a very warm, giving person. I have spent many happy hours with her Jesemiah Acorne! I'm glad that we've inspired you to visit these places steeped in history!

    1. The honor is all mine in having found and read your brilliant books. After interacting with you, Sharon, and Helen on face book I have found that not only are you great authors but lovely, kind ladies.

    2. Thank you for writing William and John's stories.

    3. I agree, thanks to you Elizabeth for inspiring me and always being generous with your knowledge

  6. What a fabulous post Marsha, three wonderful authors, who give us so very much with their books, we're heading to both Canterbury with Wendy in May, so will think of you too, and then September will visit Pembrookshire and other places with Jeff and Heather doing a Llewellyn sort of tour . so will think of you all Ladies :) !


    1. Thanks, Libby. How wonderful that you have some great upcoming trips. I know you will have a fab time.

  7. Great post Marsha. I also love the three authors you mentioned.

  8. Wonderful Marsha! I share your admiration of all three!

    1. Thank you so much. These ladies write brilliant books, don't they? :)

  9. Thank you so much, Marsha. You have me in very good company!

    1. You are welcome. All three of you ladies are not only fantastic authors but such wonderful, lovely people. A big thank you to you all for being so kind to your readers.

    2. I forgot to mention you have also greatly impacted my admiration for King Henry! :)

    3. Sharon you have been a big inspiration for me also! Thank you for lighting up my world with medieval magic!

  10. Thank you Marsha for your very interesting read on your favourite three authors and why. At the risk of sounding very boring I can only re-iterate my own experiences in discovering my own top three too. I discovered Sharon first when I purchased "Here be Kings" many years ago and the rest followed rapidly. I found Helen's fabulous books when I discovered and bought "A Hollow Crown" my most favourite of all her books on my shelves. Then came Elizabeth and my favourite of all of her books that I have bought and read is "A Place Beyond Courage" I feel I need to add Bernard Cornwell as a fourth contender too. My favourite of his books - "Azincourt". I am with you entirely with all the reasons you give as to why these wonderful writers are your top three and mine too.

    1. Hi. I quite agree with you that A Hollow Crown is a fabulous book. My second favorite of Helen's books. I would have to also agree that Bernard Cornwell's books with Azincourt being a favorite as a fourth contender. Seems we have the same taste in authors and books. :) Thank you for commenting.

  11. I was given a copy of Here Be Dragons by a FB friend I visited at her home in Wales in 1997--the beginning of a wonderful love of SKPs books! I wait with bated breath for each new one. Have most of Elizabeth Chadwick's books in print and on my Kindle, and am thankful her original stories are now available. I have visited a lot of the sites including The White Castle but Chepstow will always have a special place as will William the Marshall. I am about to read Helen's A King for all Seasons now. Thank you Marsha for posting this blog.

  12. I am so happy to see such glowing praise for such a deserving author - Helen Hollick. We are so very proud to have her pirate series as B.R.A.G.Medallion Honorees. Since Helen was one of the first people I spoke with about indieBRAG, I guess I could consider her a wise, and generous godmother!
    Great author, great person-
